
Mirror roulette method – simple chances roulette method

The mirror method is very well known and popular because it works really well. Principle of the Mirror method: The principle is simple: just play the...
Dozen and colum method on gaps

Dozen and colum method on gaps

The principle of this method is very simple and based on the fact that it is very rare to see 4 times the same...
Roulette method on dozens and columns

Roulette method on dozens and columns

The dozens at the roulette allow you to play in many different ways. You can play on a dozen and if you win you...
Hawk s martingale

Hawk’s martingale – roulette method

Hawk's Martingale is a well-known and widespread method. It has a very bad reputation because this method is used on electronic casinos to make...
method on columns and dozens

Roulette method on columns and dozens

Here is a new method on dozens and columns. It is played in the same way as the method on the line bets. Principle of...

Roulette method on line bets

The goal of this new method to win at roulette is to play on 3 line bets in order to generate a maximum profit...

Straight up method

Straight up method in online casino with real croupiers When one of the numbers in this list comes out: 13 - 17 - 19 - 23...

Roulette method on split bets – top roulette method

New method that I play from time to time and that works very well and allows me to win at online roulette Principle of the...

Straight up method at roulette – 100€ in 20 min

Here is the new method for you, the straight up, just before the holidays. A method that I have been playing for a few days...

Free roulette method on line bets

New method of roulette on line bets, this method can be complementary to the first method of roulette on the line bets. The line bets The...